Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Dead Bug Intercanviant Cames

Dead Bug with Leg Switch is an effective core exercise that targets the abdominal muscles and improves core stability. Here's a description of how to perform the Dead Bug with Leg Switch exercise: ...


Dominades Australianes amb TRX

Australian Pull-Ups with TRX are a challenging exercise that targets your upper body muscles, particularly the back, shoulders, and arms. This exercise is performed using a TRX suspension trainer, ...


Elevació de Hombros

We stand up, with the dumbbells in the hands and the arms relaxed at the sides of the body. From there, we raise our shoulders, trying to bring them to our ears.


Elevacions Frontals

We stand up, with our hands on the bar facing our body and arms relaxed. From this position we raise our arms frontally to eye level.