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We stand up, with our hands on the bar facing our body and arms relaxed. From this position we raise our arms frontally to eye level.
We stand up, taking the disc and arms relaxed. From this position we raise the disc above the level of our eyes.
We stand up, with our hands on the dumbbells facing our body and arms relaxed. From this position we raise our arms frontally to eye level.
We stand with our backs to the pulley, with our legs half open and the grip between them. We take the grip with the hands facing our body, and relaxed arms. From there, we raise arms to eye level.
Standing, we place the leg that is not going to work behind the leg that is working, resting on it. From this position we climb on tiptoe and return to the starting position.
Standing, we place the bar behind the head, resting on our trapeze. From this position we climb on tiptoe and return to the starting position.
Sitting on a mat, with your back resting on the bench and our legs bent. We put the weight on our hips and from this position we push the weight up.