Bíceps Barra
Stand up straight. Hold the bar with both hands in a supination stance. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.
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Stand up straight. Hold the bar with both hands in a supination stance. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.
Stand up straight. Hold the bar with both hands in a prone position. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulder. Inhale, and breathe, bend your elbows.
Stand up straight. Hold the dumbells with both hands in a supination stance. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.
Stand up straight facing the pulley. Hold the bar with both hands facing up. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.
Stand up straight facing the pulley. Hold the bar with both hans facing down. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.
Biceps TRX is an effective exercise that targets and strengthens the biceps muscles using the TRX suspension trainer. It is a versatile exercise that can be performed almost anywhere, making it a g...
Standing, we take the dumbbells with vertical grip and perform an elbow flexion