Exercise library

We've created a library of exercises to help you get stronger, happier and healthier.


Lat Pull Downs

We sit on the bench, facing the pulley, and grasp the grip with our arms spread slightly wider than shoulder height. From that position we bring the elbows as far back as possible.


Leg Curl With Dumbbell

We lay down on a mat and put the pulley grip on our ankle. From this position we flex the knee, trying to reach the glute with the heel.


Leg Extension

Sitting on the bench with our back to the pulley, we place the grip on our ankle and from there we extend the knee.


Low Pulley Biceps Curl

Stand up straight facing the pulley. Hold the bar with both hands facing up. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.


Low Pulley Neck Row

We stand, catching the grip with our hands looking down at our relaxed arms and legs. From this position, we raise our arms, with the elbows open, and reaching the neck.