Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Bíceps Araña

We will place ourselves face down with the chest resting on the back of the bench, so that the legs are back and supported to the floor by the tips of the feet. The arms should be loose forward, wh...


Bíceps Banc Inclinat

We sit on the incline bench, with the dumbbells on each side ad arms suspended. We breathe in a perform a bicep curl raising our arms to the level of the lower pectoral. We exhale and return to the...


Bíceps Barra

Stand up straight. Hold the bar with both hands in a supination stance. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.


Bíceps Barra Invertit

Stand up straight. Hold the bar with both hands in a prone position. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulder. Inhale, and breathe, bend your elbows.


Bíceps Mancuernes

Stand up straight. Hold the dumbells with both hands in a supination stance. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.


Bíceps Poli

Stand up straight facing the pulley. Hold the bar with both hands facing up. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.


Bíceps Poli Invertit

Stand up straight facing the pulley. Hold the bar with both hans facing down. Spread your hands a little wider than the height of your shoulders. Inhale, and as you breathe, bend your elbows.


Bíceps amb TRX

Biceps TRX is an effective exercise that targets and strengthens the biceps muscles using the TRX suspension trainer. It is a versatile exercise that can be performed almost anywhere, making it a g...


Bíceps Martell

Standing, we take the dumbbells with vertical grip and perform an elbow flexion



Sitting on the bench, leaning your body forward, you bring the elbow of the arm that will work to the knee of the same. From an extended arm, you perform an elbow flexion until you touch the should...