Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.

Full Body

Rotació de Core en Posició Guerrero

Core Rotation in Knight Position is an exercise that targets the core muscles, particularly the obliques. It helps to improve rotational stability and strength in the torso. Here's a description of...


Salt al Caixó

• With the box in front of you , flex your legs untill being in a squat position • proceed to a explosive extention of your legs to be able to jump on the box


Saltos Zancades amb Kettlebell

Kettlebell Jumping Lunges are an intense lower body exercise that combines the benefits of lunges with the explosive power of jumping. This exercise targets your quads, hamstrings, glutes, and calv...


Sentadilla Barra

We place the bar behind the head, supporting it on our trapeze. We open our feet at the height of the hips, and from this position we go down bending our knees and with our back straight.


Sentadilla Barra T

We hang the Olympic barbell on the pulley hook. We position ourselves facing it, and grasp the bar with both hands at the height of our chest. We open our feet at the height of our hips, and from t...


Sentadilla Búlgara

We spread our legs one in front of the other, and we put the foot of the back leg on the bench. From this position we go down as far as we can towards the ground.

Full Body

Sentadilla Clean And Press

From a deep squat, with the bar held with the hands facing our body, we raise it to our chest at the same time we raise our legs. From there we raise the bar above our head.