Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Sentadilla Isomètrica en Paret

Put yourself in a squat position with your back leaning against a wall and flexing legs at 90 degrees. Stay in that isometric position.


Sentadilles Costat a Costat

1. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart. 2. Press your hips back and squat. 3. Stand up, take a small step to the side, and squat again. 4. Return to the initial position and repeat t...


Sentadilla Smith

We place the bar behind the head, supporting it on our trapeze. We open our feet at the height of the hips, and from this position we go down bending our knees and with our back straight.


Sentadilla sobre el Cap

We take the bar with our hands facing the body, and we raise it above our head. From that position we squat, without lowering the bar at any time.


Sentadilla Sumo Barra

We open our feet at the height of the hips and make the tips of our feet look out. From this position we go down bending our knees and with our back straight.