Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Peso Mort a una Cama amb Poli

• Setup in front of a low pulley with single hand grip • Grip the handle with the oposite hand of the stand foot • Bend at the hip while extending the other leg back and the gripping hand forward ...


Peso Mort Mancuernes

The Deadlift with Dumbbells is a compound exercise that targets multiple muscle groups, including the legs, back, and core. It is a variation of the traditional deadlift exercise using dumbbells in...


Peso Mort Poli Baix

The Deadlift with Pulley is a variation of the traditional deadlift exercise that incorporates the use of a pulley system. This exercise targets multiple muscle groups, including the legs, back, an...


Peso Mort Smith

We stand facing the bar and grasp it with our hands. We open our feet at the height of the hips, and from this position we lower the weight until almost touching the feet. We go back to the startin...


Peso Mort Sumo

We take the kettlebell and stand with our legs spread past our hips and with our feet facing out. From this position we go down with the weight down and the back straight. When we almost touch the ...



We place ourselves stretched out face down on the mat, and with our arms we push up the body and we remain completely straight, with a tight abdomen and supporting the weight with our arms.


Plànol Alt

Begin in a push-up position with extended arms  and hands at level of the shoulders. Contract your abds while staying in this position.