Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Tríceps Copa

Sitting, arms stretched above the head, we take the dumbbell by end and place it behind the head and perform an elbow bend


Tríceps Poli

Standing, elbows close to the body, grasp with the hands looking down and perform an elbow extension


Vol Lateral amb Poli

We stand right next to the side pulley. We take the grip with the arm that remains outside, and from there we raise the weight to the height of our shoulder.


Volades Laterals

We stand up, with the dumbbells looking between them and relaxed arms. From this position we raise the arms laterally to the height of the shoulders.


Volades Mancuernes

With the bench inclined, we lean our trunk on top of it, and we support our knees on the seat. We drop our arms with the dumbbells. From this position we open our arms at shoulder height.