Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Press Califòrnia Inclinat

Lying on a incline bench and with both hands pressing weight upward  , meanwhile you're pushing the barbell or dumbel keep your elbows close to your body to activate more triceps


Press de Muscle Barra T a Dues Mans

•  Press the barbell up straight in front of you until your arms are extended, avoiding hyperextension at the elbows.   • Position your feet around shoulder-width apart. • Lean your body forwards s...


Press Francès Barra

Stretched out on a bench, we hold the bar, the palms of the hand should face upwards while the arms are flexed and the bar is behind the body. We perform an elbow extension


Press Francès Poli

Stretched out on a bench, we take the grip of the pulley, the palms of the hand should face upwards while the arms are flexed and the grip is behind the body. We perform an elbow extension


Tríceps Copa

Sitting, arms stretched above the head, we take the dumbbell by end and place it behind the head and perform an elbow bend


Tríceps Poli

Standing, elbows close to the body, grasp with the hands looking down and perform an elbow extension