Apertures amb Pont
Bridge Dumbbell Flys is an exercise that targets the muscles of the chest, particularly the pectoralis major. It also engages the shoulders and core muscles. Here's a description of how to perform ...
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Bridge Dumbbell Flys is an exercise that targets the muscles of the chest, particularly the pectoralis major. It also engages the shoulders and core muscles. Here's a description of how to perform ...
We stretch out on the declined bench and put our feet on the floor. We raise our arms straight up and make the palms of the hands look at each other. From this position we lower our arms to the sid...
We stretch out on the incline bench and rest our feet on the floor. We raise our arms straight up and make the palms of the hands look at each other. From this position we lower our arms to the sid...
We stretch out on the bench and put our feet on the floor. We raise our arms straight up and make the palms of the hands look at each other. From this position we lower our arms to the sides to sho...
We stand with our backs to the pulleys and take the grips. With one leg in front of the other, and the arms stretched out next to our body, we start the movement from this position. We are going to...
We stand with our backs to the pulleys and take the grips. With one leg in front of the other, and arms open at 90 degrees, we start the movement from this position and we will cross hands in front.
We stand with our backs to the pulleys and take the grips. With one leg in front of the other, and arms open at 90 degrees, we start the movement from this position and we are going to push forward...