Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Pull Over Mancuerna

We stretch out on the bench, with our feet flat on the floor. We take the dumbbell forming a triangle with our index fingers and thumb. We stretch the arms that are above our chest, and from that p...


Pull Over Poli Alt

We stand, facing the high pulley with our legs slightly apart. We take with both hands the grip with the hands facing downwards and we extend the arms in front of us holding the pulley, and from th...


Pull Over i Pont amb Mancuernes

The Dumbbell Bridge Pull Over is an exercise that targets the upper body, specifically the chest, back, and shoulders. It also engages the core and glutes. Here's a description of how to perform th...


Rem Alt Poli

We position ourselves facing the pulley and take the upper grips, so that our hands look at each other. From that position, we try to bring our elbows as far back as possible.