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Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.
Whit the help of some step bend the elbows, and trying to touch the chest on the ground as low as possible.
Face down in the floor, in plank position , we will bend our elbows to touch the ground whit our chest. once we hace touched it , we return to the starting position. (for beginners it will be rec...
With both feet on a elevated step , we proceed to a decline pushup.
Lying on a bench and with both hands pressing weight upward using a barbell , meanwhile you're pushing the barbell keep your elbows close to your body to activate more triceps
Lying on a bench and with both hands pressing weight upward using dumbels , meanwhile you're pushing join the dumbels and keep your elbows close to your body to activate more triceps
Lying on a incline bench and with both hands pressing weight upward , meanwhile you're pushing the barbell or dumbel keep your elbows close to your body to activate more triceps
Bridge Dumbbell Press is an exercise that targets the muscles of the chest, shoulders, and triceps. It also engages the core muscles for stability. Here's a description of how to perform Bridge Dum...
1. Set up the bench: Adjust the decline bench to a decline angle of around 15 to 30 degrees. Ensure that it is securely locked in place and stable. 1. Load the barbell: Place the appropriate weig...