Biblioteca d’exercicis

Hem creat una biblioteca d'exercicis per ajudar-te a ser més fort, més feliç i més saludable.


Peso Mort Smith

We stand facing the bar and grasp it with our hands. We open our feet at the height of the hips, and from this position we lower the weight until almost touching the feet. We go back to the startin...


Peso Mort Sumo

We take the kettlebell and stand with our legs spread past our hips and with our feet facing out. From this position we go down with the weight down and the back straight. When we almost touch the ...


Pont de Cadera TRX

The Bridge TRX exercise is a challenging movement that targets the muscles of the core, glutes, and hamstrings. It also engages the muscles of the upper back and shoulders for stability. Here's a d...